Calendar November 16, 2008 03:08

Calendar November 16, 2008 03:05

Calendar November 15, 2008 02:25

Blogger Blogger

The gloriously demented works of mister Mark Millar.

I got to see the movie adaptation of Mark Millars WANTED last night,i was a massive fan of the comic book and its nihilistic world run and populated by an array of archetypal and suitably deranged supervillians.
I didnt hold out much hope for this movie but i was more than pleasantly suprised, its probably the most ultraviolent mainstream film i have seen in years, the effects are demented, brains explode from exit wounds and spiral through the air in slow motion like spastic ballet dancers, cars careen through space allowing their drivers the optimum vantage point from which to assasinate a moving target and its pretty much non stop right up to the end.
The opening sequence, although owing a lot to the Matrix, is totally brilliant and unforgiving, the gore just splashes everywhere, as if the killer is Pollock and the backgrounds that are plastered with grey matter his canvas.
In a word....superb.

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Calendar November 14, 2008 11:01

Blogger Blogger

In praise of Virgil Finlay.

Another piece of shit week over and done with, and another example of why what George "Dubya" Bush described as "Free market capitalism" in a rambling and beatific speech to the Americian people last night, doesnt work.
I spent the afternoon talking to a work mate who'se cognitive function is seriously impaired by the job he has been stuck in for two decades.
But onto other things... i think i almost blinded myself last night "stipling" the art of building imagery on paper with black ink dots, H.P Lovecrafts old pal Virgil Finlay was a master of this particular practise as is Swamp thing artist Jon Totleben who if i understand correctly suffers poor eyesight.
the effect looks great but it fries the optic nerves...
Perhaps i should stick to wanking if i want to build wrist muscle and destroy my vision.

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Calendar November 14, 2008 10:59

Calendar November 14, 2008 10:58

Calendar November 14, 2008 10:56

Calendar November 14, 2008 10:55

Calendar November 14, 2008 01:30

Blogger Blogger


Here are a handful of promotional pieces i did for AccentUK based around the major arcana in the Tarot deck and featuring characters that i designed for the ongoing comic book "Stephensons robot."
All colouring done by Mister Jon Ayre.
The Empress is missing, i will seek to rectify that soon.

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Calendar November 14, 2008 01:29

Calendar November 14, 2008 01:28

Calendar November 14, 2008 01:27

Calendar November 14, 2008 01:26

Calendar November 14, 2008 01:24

Calendar November 14, 2008 01:23

Calendar November 14, 2008 01:20

Blogger Blogger