Calendar July 1, 2010 11:55

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Found these two beauties coloured by Young Dave West in my inbox this morning.
Fresh scenes of the Martian Engineers/Monks from Stephensons Robot.
Dave and Jon Ayre want a three page intro for the back up story featuring these guys each issue, all that they told me is that they are Robots, they are on Mars and they are descended from Kingdom and thats it...they then leave me alone to dream the rest of it into existance, letting me riff on all things Mars related real and fictional... its an absolute treat!
Here we see Weird and Gilly traversing the Martian skies in a hybrid of a Pedallo and a VERY famous submersible.

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Calendar June 23, 2010 01:27

Blogger Blogger


I was a massive Slaine fan back in the Eighties before it went full colour and, quite frankly, a bit Poo and I always liked the druids as drawn by the Mighty Mike McMahon and Massimo Bellardinelli especially SLOUGH FEG so I decided to do a version of him ,not quite nailed it but I think Im going to have another pop at drawing him again sometime soon.

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Calendar June 19, 2010 05:53

Calendar June 15, 2010 13:54

Blogger Blogger


Here are a few character designs for the Martian Engineers from Stephensons Robot.
With a sneaky guest appearance from The ABC Warriors DEADLOCK.

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Calendar June 14, 2010 01:37

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A sneaky preview from issue 2 of Stephensons Robot.
Here we see Brunel and Stephenson visiting Charles Babbage and his difference engine.
Babbage wasnt just the Grandaddy of computing he was also a pioneer in the battle against noise pollution which led local organ grinders to gather outside his property with the express intention of pissing him off, hence the scene where he clouts that chappy round the head with part of his library.
Bottom panel features Stephenson trying out a remote viewing device.

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Calendar May 31, 2010 12:13

Blogger Blogger


Heres a piece that I pencilled back in 1989 of Anarchist Superheroes BLACK FLAG champions of alternate Earth 88, they appeared in Grant Morrisons much loved comic strip ZENITH.

Every time I have rooted through my art box they have stared at me accssuingly waiting for their helping of Ink so I gave them the black blood this weekend.

I tried to keep the inks loose to suit the pencilling technique of a young me desperately trying to ape Steve Yeowells style.

Its a bit static but I think it works...


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Calendar May 30, 2010 08:05

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I planned and began a graphic novel called Kingdom of the back in 2004, it was going to be fifty or so pages long and encapsulate everything I love about Sci/fi, Horror & Monster movies and Comic books.
Heres the Villian, Doctor Donald Severin ...Science Pirate , Horribly deformed survivor, Interdimensional technology thief and all round Bad Egg!

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Calendar May 29, 2010 18:42

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R.I.P Dennis Hopper and thanks for all the pleasure you gave my Brain.

Ride easy Cowboy....and if they ask you when you get there tell em "Cheques in the mail!"

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Calendar May 20, 2010 15:03

Calendar May 8, 2010 07:00

Calendar May 8, 2010 02:20

Blogger Blogger

D.R & QUINCH The Totally Awesome guide to Life.

I found these pieces of Gorgeosity whilst browsing some blog or other two days ago and I had to steal them and post them here , D.R & Quinch Alan Moore and Alan Davis finest hour!
For those not in the know it was a short but sweet run of stories in the pages of 2000a.d chronciling the misadventures of two misunderstood adolescent Super fiends called Waldo D.R (Diminished responsibility) Dobbs and Ernest Errol QUINCH.
From what I understand Mister Moore wasnt overly impressed with what he was writing and didnt find his own throwaway jokes about the use of Thermonuclear Weapons funny due to the Geopolitical climate of the time and the very real threat of mutually assured destruction that hung over all of us....I kind of think he missed his own point, I found it a welcome relief from that cloying atmosphere of paranoia and terror....I also found two of the greatest role models of my young life who'se irreverent and utterly deranged outlook went on to inform my own.
And Alan Davis art has never looked better, these characters were totally alive, everything perfectly rendered nothing wasted with a wondeful fifties retro ambience, I have only ever seen anything on par with it and thats a beautifully executed piece of QUINCH by an ultra talented chappy called Garen Ewing.
In my most demented daydreams I imagine PIXAR or BLUESKY coming to the rescue and bringing these boys to the bigscreen for a Morality free, Extraterrestrial, coming of age, Rom com, Disaster, all out complete and utter total Nuclear War movie to end them all.

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Calendar April 25, 2010 06:41

Blogger Blogger

Strange Angels

Way back in 1998 I was introduced to a guy called Dave Notaro who was organizing a free A3 magazine which distributed via Sexshops would provide advertising space for Porn stars, Escorts and other assorted Adult industry services he wanted to fill the rest of it with articles, artwork and comic strips.
The venture was going to be called Fetish UK or FUK for short, it was going to be the British equivalent to Al GoldSteins SCREW magazine, I saw a mocked up copy and it looked amazing.
I was offered an A3 page in each monthly issue to do with as I liked, it sounded to good to be true... so I went away and came up with STRANGE ANGELS, it was going to be about an Alien Sex Fiend called Insanika who breaches our reality and takes over the Earth having all sorts of riotous sexual misadventures until her work here was done.
Part H.R Giger Wet dream, part Carry on film I forged ahead the one strict premise to make sure that although there was a storyline to follow each page featured was as demented as possible.
Unfortunately for reasons beyond Daves control FUK never saw the light of day so here for the first time are two of the three completed strips I completed for it, part 2 and the Millenium special.

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Calendar April 20, 2010 11:34

Blogger Blogger

Plague of Vampires.

Did some character designs some years ago now for a comic project that was going to be published by a Fetish company about a team of Superhero vampires.

Here are a handful of the designs, I think it was going to be called Transmuters.

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Calendar April 18, 2010 11:17

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Straight outta Cube Earth.

I wrote a fairly detailed synopsis way back in 2003 for a 3 issue Superman comic to entertain myself more than anything else.
It spanned his career from the forties till now and then the far flung future.

I really enjoyed it especially since he is one of my all time favourite Superheroes, whilst I was in the midst of that I did a few character sketches, this is one of them...BIZARRO SUPERMAN.

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Calendar April 17, 2010 02:27

Calendar April 15, 2010 17:08

Calendar April 14, 2010 15:09

Calendar April 8, 2010 17:01

Blogger Blogger


Malcolm McClaren...He Dead!

Some say Genius, some say Cunt...the juries out on that one but no matter which way it swings when the cultural verdict finally comes in he always brought a smile to my face!

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I have been illustrating for over 30 years, I work as a full time tattooist and a part time freelance illustrator. I have had many of my pieces published by AccentUK and I have been lucky enough to work with some fantastic people such as Andy Bloor and Owen Johnson as well as being offered work by 2000AD.

I only have a small selection on here but I have more pieces available. I have chosen pieces that show a variety of styles and although I am predominantly a 'black ink on paper' kind of guy, I also use programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator to achieve vibrant colours and finishes.

Feel free to contact me and I will answer any questions you have.