November 29, 2008 05:40
November 25, 2008 02:22
November 25, 2008 01:36
November 25, 2008 01:35
November 22, 2008 09:25
This thing is epic, spanning several thousand years and featuring a massive cast of characters involved in a labrynthine plot all pulled from the writers minds,expertly blurring the lines between fiction, history and reality.
November 22, 2008 09:24
November 22, 2008 09:23
November 22, 2008 09:21
November 21, 2008 11:17
I was promised a full page every issue to do with what i liked, so i set about putting together a strip called STRANGE ANGELS about a bunch of Gigeresque sex maniacs who breach our dimension and turn the whole planet into one vast alien fuck party.
I got three issues worth of material pencilled, inked and lettered but due to editorial incompetence and all round flakiness where certain members of the staff where concerned it all went to hell, which was a shame cos i saw the mock up copies of F.U.K and it looked SWEEEEET!
The heroine of this perverse revolution was INSANIKA.
November 21, 2008 11:15
November 20, 2008 12:59
Zarjaz? Im not bitter....NOT FUCKING MUCH!
2000 A.D
Theres a headshot of the finest villain ever to stalk that comics pages, my all time favourite comic book monster... Torquemada.
And there are two pieces i did for a competition to design a villian for Judge Dredd having been a longtime fan of the bad guys i set about putting together something to rival "Call me Kenneth" "the Angel gang" and all the greats that Dredd fought over the years and came up with a robo merc called the Doberman who carries the remnants of Yakuza gang boss "Meat Takeshi" around in its chest cavity.
This gruesome twosome where meant to travel to Mega city one to exact bloody revenge on the megs criminals who had double crossed and tried to murder Meat.
I didnt win....Pisser!
November 20, 2008 12:46
November 20, 2008 12:45
November 16, 2008 03:14
Sunday Crunch.
"Seethe" this was a C.D cover i did for a local metal band who had Crass type social ideals, zero integrity and very shallow pockets.....
"Neurotoad" a character design for a computer game that was being touted by a friend of mine to EA games, alas it all went nowhere.
Every now and again a piece of music will work its way right into my head and find its way back out via my pens, Photeks drum and bass track "Age of empires" did just that and heres the pen and ink tribute to that awe inspiring piece of sound.
November 16, 2008 03:12
November 16, 2008 03:10
I have been illustrating for over 30 years, I work as a full time tattooist and a part time freelance illustrator. I have had many of my pieces published by AccentUK and I have been lucky enough to work with some fantastic people such as Andy Bloor and Owen Johnson as well as being offered work by 2000AD.
I only have a small selection on here but I have more pieces available. I have chosen pieces that show a variety of styles and although I am predominantly a 'black ink on paper' kind of guy, I also use programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator to achieve vibrant colours and finishes.
Feel free to contact me and I will answer any questions you have.
Milton Keynes
Four months into this venture and the promoter was presented with a handful of angry notes from a gaggle of unhappy middle class Goths demanding I be removed from art duties and replaced with the usual visual dark dogshit, scratchy angels, tombstones etc etc.
To the promoters credit he didnt capitulate and i carried on doing my thing puzzled but proud that I managed to put so many noses out of joint by doing nothing.
The point of this rant? Dont claim to be an outsider if your going to start sobbing into the pages of your copy of King Ink the moment someone comes along and takes something as epehemeral as a concept or ideal and unintentionally gives you back a reverant but dayglo version of it.
And remember if it all gets too much you can always go back to your parents country pile in the wilds of Gloucestershire for tea, sympathy and scones....and if that dont work then fuck you and the hoss you rode in on.