June 5, 2009 10:51
June 5, 2009 10:30
Goodbye Grasshopper.
In his book "On single combat" The Wing Tsun grandmaster Kieth R Kernspecht admonishes those who have come to the arts starry eyed with their interests ingnited by the world of film, T.V, comic books and legend laughing at the idea of magic behind these ideals and yet the vast majority of martial arts practioners in the wests passion has been spurred on by what they have seen in commercial mediums...this does not lessen the message...the world of the mind always feeds reality and vice versa.
For me the seeds were planted by Kung fu then Marvels characters Master of Kung -fu and Iron fist, then onto Bruce Lee, the 36th chamber of Shaolin right up until the slew of recent Kung fu epics and finally serious training under the watchful eyes and capable hands of Grandmaster Gary Payne and Sifu Niel Syddenham.
So thank you David...whatever path you wander now I hope its a peaceful one.
June 1, 2009 13:16
With a little help from my friends.
June 1, 2009 13:13
April 20, 2009 17:15
April 19, 2009 03:19
The Gothupsetters.
I have since heard that the members of this morally outraged posse all hold high positions at the Daily mail.
April 19, 2009 03:10
April 19, 2009 02:53
Do it with Zeal.
April 19, 2009 02:45
Old sh-it!
The other piece is of Two face,I wanted to draw him in the style of Charles Burns, it didnt work and the handsome half of the face is shit he looks like a mannequin but I certainly enjoyed drawing and inking the dark half.
April 19, 2009 02:43
April 19, 2009 02:40
April 13, 2009 02:48
Im massively proud to have my "Might of the living dead" strip appearing in both of them alongside two of my all time horror comics heroes, Steve Bissette (just check out that cover!!!) and Mister Steve Niles.
April 13, 2009 02:46
April 13, 2009 02:43
March 29, 2009 10:51
March 29, 2009 10:39
Its Called WESTERN and is packed with great stories and art, you wont find a finer and more varied selection of talent between between the covers (unless you work in the porn industry) and is available to buy through Accents website for £7.99.... thats only slightly more expensive than a packet of fags these days and infinitely better for you.
Oh yeah Im in it too alongside a whole host of other super skilled people including Andy Bloor, Dave Hitchcock, James Gray, Marleen Lowe, Dwight MacPherson, Dave West, John Reppion and Leah Moore,Tim Keable and Andrew Cheverton and last but by no means least one of my boyhood comic book heroes, the legend that is.... Mister Steve Bissette ...aint life grand?
March 5, 2009 15:25
I have been illustrating for over 30 years, I work as a full time tattooist and a part time freelance illustrator. I have had many of my pieces published by AccentUK and I have been lucky enough to work with some fantastic people such as Andy Bloor and Owen Johnson as well as being offered work by 2000AD.
I only have a small selection on here but I have more pieces available. I have chosen pieces that show a variety of styles and although I am predominantly a 'black ink on paper' kind of guy, I also use programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator to achieve vibrant colours and finishes.
Feel free to contact me and I will answer any questions you have.
Milton Keynes