Calendar September 27, 2009 02:44

Blogger Blogger


Heres a piece I originally drew away back in 1989 featuring two of my favourite 2000a.d comic characters of all time, the arch deviant Nemesis the warlock and uber future nazi Torquemada.

Pat Mills one half of the creative team (the other being my artistic God totem Kevin O Neill) that came up with these beauties refuses to allow fans to create and publish fiction based on his characters well Im begging you Pat let me! let me! Cant you feel the love???

The basic outline has sat in my art box since then crying out for ink and at last I relented and put the black blood on em... people spend less time in prison for murder!

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Calendar September 26, 2009 13:31

Blogger Blogger

"Life moves pretty fast..."

Heres a little El Indio preview of AccentUKs latest Whatever happened to the worlds fastest man.

Its Written by the multi talented man that is Dave West and illustrated by the sublime skills of Marleen Lowe, who Im more than a little excited to say provides the origin story in the first issue of Stephensons robot.

This book is the Future shock as high art and a Superhero concept that actually rings true.

It has moments of genuine pathos in it something that only a select few writers and artists can pull off and a rare quality in comic books full stop, this book is so rooted in reality that you forget your seeing a tachyon warping act of heroism taking place and end up pulled into an affecting treatise on the nature of what it is to be human, a real testament to breadth of Daves burgeoning talent as a writer .

And all the while your rooting for the protagonist to suceed.

The art is beautiful, able to put across the sadness and lighter moments of the heroes predicament whilst at the same time being fresh, relevant, technically superb and I think at least the equal of D.Cs Neil Googe, which may bode very well for Marleens future in comics.
Buy it I guarantee you will read it in one sitting, you will never forget it and wont set eyes on anything else like it ever again.

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Calendar September 25, 2009 02:15

Blogger Blogger

Martian God Emperors.

Heres the first page featuring the Martian androids from Stephensons robot.
A stirling job on the colours by Young Dave West!

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Calendar September 6, 2009 02:22

Blogger Blogger

In glorious Technicolour!

We are getting there!
Here is a sneaky peak at pages 1 & 2 of the first issue of Stephensons robot, all colouring done by young Dave West (he has many strings to his bow dontcherknow!)
We are going to tweak them once they are all done but I think they look pretty groovy already.
Issue one is finished and Im on the verge of completing the art for issue 2.

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Calendar September 4, 2009 12:36

Blogger Blogger

Strange tidings from the mind of Dave West.

Heres a little gem that landed on my doormat a few weeks back that I got round to reading last night, Dave Wests STRANGE TIMES.

A collection of self contained short stories with brilliant stand alone characters that gradually begin to segue into one another and working their way through their lives toward a gentle apocalypse which they may or may not avert.

Daves writing style is reminscent of the late Douglas Adams and Alan Moore in his Future shocks period whilst grounding itself in the ennui and dissapointment of the everyday all tainted by the genuinely STRANGE.
And the art is beautifully sparse, Oliver Postgate filtered through the pages of an ominous flight manual.

Its got the lot, Time travel, Robots, Lizard men , Animism, psychic goths, Boxers, ultra brained speedsters, giant stone heads, legions of frogs, genetic engineering, Charles Darwin, boozing and a hint of Franz Kafka brought to you by a genuine maverick of the British comics scene, what more can you ask for?
For a true slice of weird Britannia buy this book.

What I now want to see is an episode of Doctor Who Written by Mister West, that would make for a truly off kilter televisual experience!

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Calendar August 11, 2009 11:55

Blogger Blogger

Middle of nowhere.

MIDDLE OF NOWHERE was a comic strip I did for the now defunct Pitz music magazine a Milton keynes based zine put together by mister Paul Rivers to promote local bands, he gave me two pages each issue with which i could do what i liked (within reason Heh! Heh! Heh!) so I decided to do something in the vien of Robert Crumb, Dave Cooper and Jim Woodring bigfoot characters inhabiting a twisted version of this new city.
The main characters were Nortil Duk Duk a megalomaniacal Fowl and Bostik a deliriously lazy stoner/boozehound/ chemist.
It folded after the first issue they appeared in, just as they were about to go on an epic quest to find the wall spattered brains of Kurt Cobain....
They were ressurrected for a c.d cover showcasing all the young bands from the surrounding areas which I envisioned as four panel comic strip,all can be seen below.

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Calendar August 11, 2009 11:52

Calendar August 11, 2009 11:51

Calendar August 11, 2009 11:49

Calendar August 11, 2009 11:35

Blogger Blogger


Heres a commission I did for my mate Chris Tucker who wanted a piece done as a birthday present for one his biking mates in full on Zombie style.
I wracked my sweetbreads over a title that had something to do with bikes and in true Kevin O Neill horror punning style came up with Gore De France.
Thats meant to be an undead version of Kraftwerk in the bottom righthand corner and the guy having his brains pulled out is supposedly screaming "SHIT... I NEEDED THAT!" in French, the translation came from my brother in law so it may actually say "MY SISTERS HUSBAND IS A BIG WANKER!"

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Calendar August 5, 2009 14:19

Blogger Blogger


A bandblitz poster from 2004, I wanted to give it a Iggy Pop feel but it was a big FAIL...still I like the intestines.

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I have been illustrating for over 30 years, I work as a full time tattooist and a part time freelance illustrator. I have had many of my pieces published by AccentUK and I have been lucky enough to work with some fantastic people such as Andy Bloor and Owen Johnson as well as being offered work by 2000AD.

I only have a small selection on here but I have more pieces available. I have chosen pieces that show a variety of styles and although I am predominantly a 'black ink on paper' kind of guy, I also use programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator to achieve vibrant colours and finishes.

Feel free to contact me and I will answer any questions you have.