July 17, 2009 11:20
July 17, 2009 11:00

July 17, 2009 10:51
July 17, 2009 10:47
July 17, 2009 10:40
July 16, 2009 14:51
July 12, 2009 15:04
Dead cities.

Peter Holden the leading negociator for the British medical association has stated over proposed immunisation plans for the British population...
"People are still making decisions over this but we want to get cracking before a second wave, which is traditionally more virulent. if the virus does mutate it can get a lot more nasty and the idea is to give people immunity"...
Well thats good news, he then goes on to say...
"but the sheer logistics of dealing with 60 million people cant be underestimated!"
The sheer logistics of dealing with 30 million dead people will be a hell of a lot worse bubby.
Its only a matter of time before a really vicious microbe blindsides us but the airports and schools wont close until its too late for fear it will effect the economy....these people couldnt organize a fuck in a brothel.
It took the Black death twenty years to cross Europe and Asia, now it would take less than two weeks.
July 2, 2009 11:41
My mate Paul.

June 29, 2009 02:33
June 29, 2009 02:31
June 29, 2009 02:26
Strontium Dawg!

June 29, 2009 02:24
June 29, 2009 02:21
June 14, 2009 03:02
Ron Smith, The forgotten giant of British comics.

Ron Smith was a stalwart in the British comic 2000a.d from the late seventies onwards and an absoloute favourite of mine, around about that time I was recieving back issues of 2000ad from cousins, friends, my friends older siblings and jumble sales etc I was a happy dumping ground for homeless comic books and so i had a hardcore education in the joys of 2000a.d and the artists and writers inside.
Judge Dredd at that time had a core of three of Britains finest illustrators working on it, two of whom went onto worldwide acclaim... Brian Bolland,Mike McMahon whereas Ron Smith, who for some unfathomable reason has been unfairly consigned to the ranks of the also rans which is a disgraceful as he was not only massively talented, proficient and prolific but his work had a weird and brutal flavour all of its own.
He was responsible for some truly memorable characters and vistas.
This is the man who gave us Otto Sump, the Blood of Satanus, Filmore Faro, Captain Skank and the pirates of the Black Atlantic,Pug Ugly and the Buglies, Citizen Snork, he drew the final chapters to the Judge child quest in which there are scenes of horrifying torture and the final bloody moments of the Angel gang as they are summarily executed by Judge Dredd, who else gave us a double page spread of a blood soaked Junior Angel, fresh from mutilating Old Joe Blind falling into a lava flow and igniting at the same time? Or the inhabitants of the Robert Oppenhiemer block being utterly obliterated and the resultant devastion in the immediate area in scarily convincing full colour detail by a Nuclear explosion? Ron Smith thats who... a man alongside Kevin O'Niell who I thank for having a huge influence on my own artwork and worldview.
For whatever reason Titan books deemed fit to downplay Smiths efforts when they were busily reprinting 2000.ads back catalogue in the eighties and turning it out as tradepaper backs which is a fucking disgrace as Smith is the equal to anyone who appeared in that particular comic book and should definitely be counted among any of the artists who are lauded as the best of British.
Theres even a severe lack of material by him available to look at online which is something i hope to rectify at some point, his work is amazing.
Ron Smith... I salute you.
I have been illustrating for over 30 years, I work as a full time tattooist and a part time freelance illustrator. I have had many of my pieces published by AccentUK and I have been lucky enough to work with some fantastic people such as Andy Bloor and Owen Johnson as well as being offered work by 2000AD.
I only have a small selection on here but I have more pieces available. I have chosen pieces that show a variety of styles and although I am predominantly a 'black ink on paper' kind of guy, I also use programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator to achieve vibrant colours and finishes.
Feel free to contact me and I will answer any questions you have.
Milton Keynes
A Rare colour piece with all the lovely pieces of the spectrum put into place by my mate Dave West who has done such a stirling job of my new Facebook Avatar I had to share it with every one!!!!
Its beaut, Cheers Dave!